Robert Miller - Business Performance Coach

“You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.”

Like Zig Ziglar – the famous American author, salesman and motivational speaker who penned these words – I too believe that we all have greatness in us. But I also know that our blind spots often prevent us from realising it.

Hi, I’m Robert Miller, performance coach, and my passion is helping you define what business success looks like, developing an agreed strategy and uncovering the best you to achieve it. I’ll be your mirror, allowing you to more clearly see who you are and what’s possible, and helping you build the confidence, courage and skills you need as a leader to achieve your business success goals. 

Recently relocated to Christchurch. You can find me in Christchurch or Rolleston in a cafe on any given day. I also travel throughout New Zealand for business. 

Don't Wait to be Great | Robert Miller - Performance Coach